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Game Co 

A global gaming company operating in key markets including America, Europe, Japan, and other regions. The company provides a diverse array of games for sale or rent across multiple categories


Analyze historical game sales data to identify trends, predict market reception for upcoming games, and inform strategic release decisions.

  • Sales data from VGChartz

  • Includes physical games sales data from 1980-2016

  • VGZChartz’s data collection methodology

  • Project brief

  • Grouping and summerizing data in Excel.

  • Data cleansing

  • Performing descriptive analysis

  • Visualizing and presenting results

  • Microsoft Excel

  • Microsoft PowerPoint

Physical video game sales have been declining. 


Sales in 2016 are 90% lower than in 2008,the peak of game sales.

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GameCo’s executives assumed that sales for the various geographic regions have stayed the same overtime.

However, the sales data of different geographical regions from 2010 to 2016 has been on a decline.

If we see the sales data for the year 2016- Action, Sports and Shooter genre games are in high demand and the sales are high for these genres of games.

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Regional sales have fluctuated over time.

While North America typically dominates

the market, Europe surpassed it in 2016,

capturing 38% of sales.

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In 2016, the PS4 achieved the highest game sales.While most platforms experience a short period of high sales before declining, the PC stands as an exception, consistently maintaining a smaller market share, accounting for only

2.89% of all sales.

Conclusions & Recommendations

Regional Disparity

The analysis likely revealed significant regional variations in game sales, highlighting the importance of region-specific marketing strategies

Platform Dominance

Certain platforms like action, shooter, sports emerged as dominant players in specific regions, indicating a need to prioritize development and marketing efforts for those platforms

Competetive Analysis

Continuously monitor the competitive landscape and adjust strategies accordingly to maintain a competitive edge

Targeted Marketing

Implement region-specific marketing campaigns tailored to the unique preferences and behaviours of gamers in each region

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